Sustainable Retail Safari: Market Trends & Real-Life Scenarios

Take a deep dive into the consumers conscious and how they view sustainability in retail.
Sustainable Retail Safari Workshop - Retail Ireland Skillnet
Businesses and brands will increasingly need to re-evaluate their sustainability credentials in order to resonate with the needs and wishes of the ‘conscious and responsible shopper and consumer’. This workshop is designed to help attendees better understand sustainable retailing through the eyes of the conscious shopper.

It will encourage attendees to think about what it means – or could mean – for their business going forward as they adapt their product / service solutions for changing consumer and shopper needs.

Key Themes

  • Why a Circular Economy mindset is so important and how retailers are applying sustainable retailing in the ‘real world’
  • Which key trends are emerging around sustainable retailing and how attendees can adopt them for their business
  • How brands and retailers are using distinct touchpoints along the customer’s purchase journey to support more conscious purchase behaviour
  • Why communications are key to gaining a shopper’s trust around purchase decisions
  • How businesses are providing ‘add on’ services that both benefit the shopper/consumer, encourage more circular purchase behaviour, and increase business opportunities
  • Why it is important to anticipate the ‘barriers’ to making sustainable purchase decisions and how retailers can help

Target Audience: Managers, Supervisors, Frontline Employees

Contact to book a date for this workshop.

  • €240 per person.
Group Bookings: 
  • Organisations wishing to book a workshop specifically for their organisation, the cost is €2,400 and the maximum number in the class is 20 people.
Complete the form below and our team will be in touch.  Alternatively call our office on 074 9176853, email
3 Hour Workshop
Workshops can be delivered online.
Certified by Retail Ireland Skillnet

Workshop Registration Form

Complete the form below or contact the Retail Ireland Skillnet team directly at Tel: 074 9176853 or Email:
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