Retail Careers
As retailers we know how difficult it has been to attract and retain good employees to the retail sector. To get the right people to join and stay in your business you must provide a transparent and achievable career development path which offers the opportunity to upskill. Today’s workforce rates career development opportunities as a top consideration when seeking employment.
Retail has always been more than a ‘job in a shop’. Retail is about…..Great Sales People, Data Analysists, eCommerce Specialists, Digital Marketing, Loss Prevention, App development, Photography, Customer Service Experts, Supply Chain Management, Accountancy, People Development and so much more.
Why Choose a Career in Retail?
Creating a career in retail is all about offering great people the opportunity to upskill at all levels. As a prerequisite of joining an organisation, prospective employees want to know that there are opportunities at all levels of an organisation before joining. Research revealed that the millennial workforce cited an organisation having a career development path as a top consideration when seeking employment. Retailers which have incorporated a transparent career development plan as part of their recruitment strategy have openly confirmed their commitment to employee knowledge and experiential development.
"The organisations that will truly excel in the future will be the organisations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organisation."
Senge – The Fifth Discipline

Working with Retail Ireland Skillnet
We have proudly worked with thousands of Irish retailers and retail employees to develop career pathways through education and training programmes. Retail is the backbone of the Irish economy, contributing €30 billion in annual sales and 23% of the State’s tax revenues along with employing over 280,000 people, making it Ireland’s largest indigenous industry. In addition, retail accounts for 14% of the national employment and more than 30% in counties Mayo, Louth, Roscommon and Laois, making it the largest private sector employer in Ireland. We know the importance of retail as a sector to our national economy and local communities.
"The retail sector offers a highly skilled people a rewarding career path, where it is possible for great people to gain experience in a diverse range of roles."