QQI LEVEL 7 Degree
Bachelor of Business in Retail Management Practice (Ordinary Degree)
The Retail Management Practice Part-time Degree is a 3 year Level 7 programme developed and delivered in collaboration with the Atlantic Technological University (formerly Letterkenny Institute of Technology). This work-based degree programme will provide learners with the practical skills, knowledge and competence required to manage successfully in a challenging retail environment.
The philosophy of the programme centres on developing learners into professional retail managers. An integral part of this is action learning within the learners own workplace, enhancing the use of specialist knowledge in practice and recognising the reciprocal relationship between management theory and professional practice.
It allows full-time retail employees to work full-time whilst they gain their qualification. The modules in the Degree in Retail Management Practice programme have been designed in collaboration with the retail sector to ensure they meet the ever-changing needs of sector and its leadership team.
This programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland, the European Union, and network companies.
- Category: Ordinary Degree
- Location: Dublin
- 19 days of classroom learning each year, over the period of 3 years
- €1000 per year - Total of €3,000 (price valid for new registrations received in 2024.
- QQI Level 7
Programme Structure
Year 1
Modules delivered in Year 1
- Welcome & Induction
- Learner Development & Study Skills (10)
- Retail IT (10)
- Customer Engagements and Touchpoints (10)
- Legal Issues in Retail (10)
- Retail Management (10)
- Retail Security and Loss Prevention (10)
Days in Classroom
19 Days of Classroom Delivery in Year 1 – 12 in classroom and 7 delivered online.
60 Credits in Year 1
Year 2
Modules delivered in Year 2
- People and Performance Management (10)
- Retail Marketing Principles (10)
- Retail Calculations (5)
- Retail Supply Chain Management (10)
- Economic Fundamentals (5)
- Customer Behaviour and Psychology (10)
- Data Analysis for Information Systems (10)
days in classroom
19 Days of Classroom Delivery in Year 2 – 12 in classroom and 7 delivered online.
60 Credits in Year 2
Year 3
Modules delivered in Year 3
- E-Commerce (10)
- Online Marketing (10)
- Financial Management in Retail (10)
- People and Performance Management 2 (10)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (10)
- Retail Buying and Merchandising (10)
days in classroom
- 19 Days of Classroom Delivery in Year 3 – 12 in classroom and 7 delivered online.
60 Credits in Year 3
- Key Feautres
- Designed by retailers for retailers
- Learners work full-time whilst completing their studies
- Only 19 days per year in college – 12 delivered in the classroom and 7 online
- €1,000 fee to be paid for each year. Total of €3.000 for the 3 years.
- Delivered by experienced work based learning lecturers from Atlantic Technological University
- Subject matter experts from retail industry providing guest lecturers across the different modules delivered on the programme
- Assessments linked to making improvements in the workplace
- Recognition for learning achieved in the workplace
- Delivered on “Retail Friendly” dates
- Study skills and learning techniques provided
- An opportunity to engage with other retail employees from some of Ireland’s most respected retail organisations
- Opportunity to progress to the Year 4 Honours Degree in Retail Management Practice upon successful completion of Ordinary Degree programme.
- Course Delivery & Location
This programme is delivered in Dublin. 19 days of classroom learning per year for 3 years – 12 days in the classroom and 7 days online.
- Entry Requirements
Applicants should have relevant retail experience (one-year full time or part-time equivalent) and one of the following:
- A grade D3 in ordinary level English, Mathematics or three other subjects of the Leaving Certificate Examination (or approved equivalent) or
- Holders of a full FETAC Level 5 Award or
- Mature Student over 23 years of age
- Cost
More than 70% funding applied to the cost of the programme.
The cost for each learner is €1,000 per year. Total cost of €3,000 for the three years studying for the Level 7 programme.
Fees can be paid:
- By Employer (in instalments)
- By Employee (in instalments)
- Combination of above
- Qualification
- Level 7 Qualification in Retail Management from Atlantic Technological University